Altogether Langley Website

When everything shut down in early 2020, small businesses were forced into a mad scramble to find new ways to remain open and get online where they hadn't been before. I was inundated with new clients and project requests. In order to help as many businesses as possible, I worked closely with a couple chambers on the island, Langley Chamber in this example, to create online marketplaces that could benefit as many businesses as wanted to take the opportunity.Altogether Langley is comprised of business listings for every business on South Whidbey that signed up. Businesses could also list items for sale through the site; sales notifications were forwarded so they could handle themselves either shipping or pickup. Lastly, visitors could purchase gift certificates to support their favorite businesses while doors were shut and staff was reduced to weather the pandemic.
This site implements a lot of tools many other sites do not, such as an online portal where businesses could use this one site to sell their own individual items and get paid directly, update their products, and allow customers to choose custom options on products and shipping. The site may not be as needed in the future as things return to normal, but it was a much-appreciated rapid response to help as many small businesses as possible.